Good news…..medical science has added “new evidence” that BERRIES are good for you!  Those of you who were kind enough to attend the health class series dealing with the Immune System became aware of the research that  supports:  “food is our medicine and medicine can be our food”! The latest in the journal  “Phytother Res. 2016; 30(8): 1265-86” Pharmacology and Health Benefits of Anthocyanins (the ‘blue’ of blueberries)  reports the biological effects as: “antimicrobial” (germ fighting), “cell-protective” (antioxidant), “antitumor”, “lipid-lowering” (cholesterol effecting), “neuroprotective” (brain aging protection). Just as our grandparents would say: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”… now science has added another food to keep our bodies strong and resistive to disease. Can’t wait to learn what else they “discover” in our food because there are more than  10,000 food based chemicals identified so far …. I guess “they” will be real busy figuring out all of what that means!! So, add 1-2 cups of mixed berries to your 2-4 servings of fruit per day.