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Pains & Dysfunction
Yet another study has found that arthritic degeneration was not directly related to the severity of low back pain. Researchers agree that arthritis is expected
Magnesium and Migraines
Yet another study has confirmed the link between low magnesium levels and migraine headaches. Call our office today for your headache evaluation and treatment, and
Manipulation and More
Most people think chiropractors just treat back and neck pain. But did you know we treat problems in many other body parts too? Check out
Jaw Pain
TMD is a term used to describe a group of problems that cause pain in your jaw’s temporomandibular joint. Did you know “manual therapy” (like
Mind Body Practices
Chronic low back pain is a shared burden in our society. Here’s what can help: Recent research tells us that meditation-based therapies are a safe and
Healthy Exercise Recommendations
Did you know that exercise benefits both your body AND mind? A recent study has shown that exercise can improve your brain’s ability to process information
Weight Loss
Numbness, burning, weakness, and swelling in the hands? Maintaining a healthy weight may help. A recent study found that those with a higher body mass
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is crucial for strong bones and can benefit diabetics with nerve damage. Boost your intake naturally by sun exposure, fatty fish, mushrooms, egg
Pain & Dysfunction
As we age, the soft discs in our spine naturally become stiff and dry out. A recent study found that the cervical discs degenerate with
Opioid Rx Rate for Chiropractic vs.Non-Chiropractic Patients
A recent systematic review found that patients participating in chiropractic care were 64% less likely to receive an opioid prescription than nonusers. If you are