10 Tips To Add More Vegetables To Your Day

It’s easy to eat more vegetables! Eating vegetables is important because they provide vitamins and minerals and most are low in calories. To fit more vegetables in your day, try them as snacks and add them to your meals.

1. Discover fast ways to cook

Cook fresh or frozen vegetables in the microwave for a quick-and-easy dish to add to any meal. Steam green beans, carrots, or bok choy in a bowl with a small amount of water in the microwave for a quick side dish.

2. Be ahead of the game

Cut up a batch of bell peppers, cauliflower, or broccoli. Pre-package them to use when time is limited. Enjoy them in a casserole, stir-fry, or as a snack with hummus.

3. Choose vegetables rich in color

Brighten your plate with vegetables that are red, orange, or dark green. They are full of vitamins and minerals. Try acorn squash, cherry tomatoes, sweet potatoes, or collard greens. They not only taste great but are good for you, too.

4. Check the freezer aisle

Frozen vegetables are quick and easy to use and are just as nutritious as fresh veggies. Try adding frozen vegetables, such as corn, peas, edamame, or spinach, to your favorite dish. Look for frozen vegetables without added sauces, gravies, butter, or cream.

5. Stock up on veggies

Canned vegetables are a great addition to any meal, so keep on hand canned tomatoes, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, mushrooms, and beets. Select those labeled as “reduced sodium,” “low sodium,” or “no salt added.”

6. Make your garden salad glow with color

Brighten your salad by using colorful vegetables such as black beans or avocados, sliced red bell peppers or onions, shredded radishes or carrots, and chopped red cabbage or watercress. Your salad will not only look good but taste good, too.

7. Sip on some vegetable soup

Heat it and eat it. Try tomato, butternut squash, or garden vegetable soup. Look for reduced- or low-sodium soups. Make your own soups with a low-sodium broth and your favorite vegetables.

8. While you’re out

If dinner is away from home, no need to worry. When ordering, ask for an extra side of vegetables or a side salad instead of the typical fried side dish. Ask for toppings and dressings on the side.

9. Savor the flavor of seasonal vegetables

Buy vegetables that are in season for maximum flavor at a lower cost. Check your local supermarket specials for the best in-season buys. Or visit your local farmers market.

10. Vary your veggies

Choose a new vegetable that you’ve never tried before. 

Based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Revised October 2016.


A “newly discovered chemical” in food called Apigenin ( a type of flavonoid that is high in celery and chamomile) has been demonstrated in lab tests to be “cytotoxic” (cell killing) to Pancreatic and G.I. tract Cancer cells.  The scientists have suggested that Apigenin has a potential protective role against these extremely aggressive forms of Cancer.  After 45yrs of studying health, I am glad to see that health professionals and the scientific community are analyzing foods and their “chemistry” as opposed to only trying to make “chemicals” that have a beneficial affect on our health. It’s my opinion, in the future we will see more “newly discovered chemicals” in our food and how they benefit and protect us.

Remember…”Food is Medicine and Medicine is you Food….”we are what we eat”!!!


Good news…..medical science has added “new evidence” that BERRIES are good for you!  Those of you who were kind enough to attend the health class series dealing with the Immune System became aware of the research that  supports:  “food is our medicine and medicine can be our food”! The latest in the journal  “Phytother Res. 2016; 30(8): 1265-86” Pharmacology and Health Benefits of Anthocyanins (the ‘blue’ of blueberries)  reports the biological effects as: “antimicrobial” (germ fighting), “cell-protective” (antioxidant), “antitumor”, “lipid-lowering” (cholesterol effecting), “neuroprotective” (brain aging protection). Just as our grandparents would say: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”… now science has added another food to keep our bodies strong and resistive to disease. Can’t wait to learn what else they “discover” in our food because there are more than  10,000 food based chemicals identified so far …. I guess “they” will be real busy figuring out all of what that means!! So, add 1-2 cups of mixed berries to your 2-4 servings of fruit per day.


Everything with getting one’s health back and staying healthy boils down to Risk vs. Benefits.  For example, patients will ask…”if I add more veggies/fruits to my diet won’t I be getting more chemicals into me …and that’s bad. Right?”  Well the ‘knee jerk’ response would be- Yes, but there was an interesting finding in “Food and Chemical Toxicology Journal (2012 Dec; 50(12):4421-7) as well as the Journal of Nutrition, (2005; 135 (11):2639-2643). The authors observed by adding 1 extra serving of vegetables and fruits to our diets that 20,000 cancer cases per year could be prevented as opposed to just 10 cases of cancer per year being caused by increased pesticide intake.  Now don’t get me wrong… chemical ingestion is a problem in the American diet.  This is evident by the fact (also verified by one of my patients who works in the chemical food business) that other countries do not allow many of these “chemicals” into their food supplies. This is a “home grown” problem for the U.S… So, look at labels of “processed” foods but have peace of mind that just adding 1 extra serving of plant based foods has a greater Benefit when compared to its Risk!


For many decades in my practice one of the first dietary changes I had recommended to patients was the elimination of wheat from their diets so they may observe any changes in their complaints . Initially this was done mainly for digestive problems and sinus congestion because early studies had shown evidence that it increased the immune responses within the body. But as more and more patients got off wheat it became obvious that other conditions improved: chronic joint and muscle pain, depression, skin problems, headaches, even blood sugar problems. Most patients noticed improvements in their health within a few weeks of quitting it, though there were some who didn’t notice a change.

Fast forward to today and there maybe another reason to avoid wheat, even if you don’t feel better right away. In the recent book “Grain Brain,” neurologist and nutritionist David Perlmutter talks about how eating wheat can contribute to brain diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia and even ALS. These diseases may not show up until after decades of eating wheat, when the damage has already been done. Wheat causes problems for the brain primarily through inflammation. The gluten molecule — there are actually several, not just one — first inflames the lining of the bowel, which enables it to enter the bloodstream. Once there, it sets off alarms throughout the immune system. The body’s attempts to attack it causing “collateral damage” to the tissues, including the brain. It appears genetics may also play a role in who is sensitive and in determining which tissues are affected.

We consume so much of it. We eat wheat products at almost every meal, either in the form of bread, snacks, crackers, pasta, cereal and pizza (there is actually extra gluten in pizza dough, used to thicken it, which allows the chef to twirl the pizza dough in the air to spread it out). And this does not include what is in other processed foods-soups, condiments, etc.

Gluten sensitivity is not just a fad. More and more evidence is accumulating about the downside of this extremely common protein and the fact that celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are on the increase. The reason for this increase is not clear, and the debate continues about its cause. So be honest with yourself, take inventory of your daily and weekly eating habits….you maybe surprised!!!


DID YOU KNOW……….that the same great whole food supplements that you take from Standard Process are now available through our office for your pet? It’s true. Standard Process, the “gold standard” of whole food supplementation, manufactures the same quality product for your cat, dog, and horse. And you can order them through our office!

For your cats, SP offers feline cardiac support, enteric (digestive) support, liver support, immune system support, kidney support, and whole body support.

For your dogs, they offer adrenal, cardiac, dermal (skin), enteric, flex (joints), liver, immune system, musculoskeletal, kidney, thyroid, and whole body support.And for the horses, they offer GI tract support, immune support, metabolic support, mobility support, performance support for inflammatory responses, muscle soreness, and oxidative stress.

All of these supplements are completely natural and are made in accordance with the needs of the specific animal, i.e., cats are carnivores, dogs are omnivores, and horses have very complicated systems. All of these are specifically addressed in Standard Process’s whole food products.

So, if you want your pets as healthy and comfortable as you, give them the gift of the benefits of Standard Process whole food supplementation. We can order these supplements for you and they are very reasonably priced.


Keeping a healthy weight — and especially losing weight —  is not easy for many reasons.  For one, easy access to extremely tasty high-calorie foods pushes many to overeat.  Living with stress — a common source of negative emotions — also makes it difficult to keep healthy habits.  In fact, according to www.webmd.com, up to 75% of overeating is driven by emotions.

Stress in particular has the power to push people toward overeating and other unhealthy behaviors.  Research shows that stress forces people — particularly those who usually restrain their eating — to eat more and to choose high-fat foods over healthier ones.  The high-calorie foods serve as self-medication, producing a relief from negative emotions.

Of course, the relief is only temporary — the effect of chocolate, for example, disappears after only three minutes, according to studies.  However, because the food or beverage reduces a negative emotion, even temporarily, we tend to turn to it again next time we experience the same emotion.Not all food works, though.  When sad, disappointed, irritable or anxious, we don’t crave carrots or celery.  Instead we turn to ice cream, chips, cookies or chocolate.  Research shows the palatability of these foods may affect brain chemistry.  Yet, food only numbs the feelings — without resolving underlying causes.  And, by adding inches to our waistlines, we also pile guilt onto the mix.Shared from “Healthy Living – Patient Information from the ACA”…………………………….Watch for our next installment:   Become Aware of Your Habits


Beetroot juice has been shown to help people lower their blood pressure within six hours. The reason it works so fast is that beets contain dietary nitrate, which your body converts to a gas that expands blood vessels and aids blood flow This simple smoothie from nutritionist Dana White, R.D., contains a heart-health trifecta of nitrate, magnesium and potassium. You can find cooked beets in your supermarket produce case or salad bar — or roast your own!PINEAPPLE – BEET BLASTPrep time: 5 minutes Serves 21/2 cup sliced, cooked beets1 1/2 cups frozen pineapple chunks1/4 cup celery leaves1 cup vanilla almond milk1/2 cup fresh orange juiceCombine all ingredients in blender and puree until smooth. Divide between 2 chilled glasses. (Makes 3 cups)As seen in Prevention magazine – August, 2013


The old saying that “a calorie is a calorie” is completely false! Even if you only eat 800 calories a day, if those calories are from sugary, starchy foods you are going to gain weight. If your food intake comes primarily from fructose and grains, you are at increased risk for obesity and pre-diabetes, which includes both insulin and leptin resistance, fatty liver, high blood pressure and high triglycerides. Insulin and leptin resistance in turn form the foundation for virtually every chronic disease you can think of, including heart disease and cancer. The answer is to turn the food pyramid totally upside down. Dramatically reduce or, ideally, eliminate virtually ALL grains and sugars, especially fructose. This in itself will go a long way toward preventing excess fat. But to be truly effective, you want to be sure you are replacing those refined carbs with vegetables and healthful fats. NOW you are entering a diet that wil allow your body to shift from burning carbs to burning FAT as its primary fuel. At this point, weight loss is not the only benefit you’ll reap. Research has shown that this type of diet is an effective prevention and even treatment strategy for cancer.Intermittent fasting is another powerful key that will help you transition your body from obtaining the majority of its fuel from glucose stored as glycogen in your muscles and liver, to the fat stored in your tissues. This is one of the most effective ways known to burn off excess body fat and eliminate sugar cravings. Check with our office to find out about a variety of lifestyle wellness programs and dietary guidelines that we offer.


Everyone is pressed for time in the mornings, but PLEEZE do not skip breakfast!!! Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day — especially in the areas of maintaining energy and brain function. Eating a good breakfast is one of the best things you can do for your health.

Avoid eating refined sugar as much as possible. NO donuts!! Most cereals contain far too much sugar to be considered healthy. The better choice would be what our grandmothers used to eat: Eggs, fruit, dairy and whole grains. These things will provide you with steady energy to keep you going until lunchtime. Following are some breakfast ideas:

Eggs – which are called the “perfect” food – provide a considerable amount of protein and minerals. Cook up a quick batch of cheesy scrambled eggs. Break a couple of eggs into a bowl, whisk briefly, add to the pan, and as they cook, add a handful of cheddar cheese. In less than five minutes you have a healthy, fast and easy breakfast……even kids love it!

Whole grain breads and cereals such as oatmeal provide healthy fiber and B vitamins. Oatmeal not only lowers cholesterol, but also reduces your risk of contracting heart disease and Type II diabetes. It is one of the best sources of soluble and insoluble fiber, which both promotes digestion and keeps you feeling fuller longer. Try adding blueberries and honey to your morning oatmeal for an extra special treat. In addition to providing powerful antioxidants, blueberries protect against cancer and promote healthy bone growth. In addition, they contain only 57 calories per 3.5 oz serving, and 25% of your RDA of Vitamin C.

Smoothies may be the king of fast breakfasts because they are quick to make, they provide fruit and dairy, and give you a good supply of calcium, vitamins and antioxidants.

So before going to bed tonight, plan breakfast for tomorrow morning…….another tip to make it fast, easy, and healthy!