Preventing Falls

As we age, falls become more common. A recent study found that the risk of falling increases even more when arthritis and spinal muscle weakness are present. Our top two recommendations for minimizing falls in active seniors:

Review the attached list of suggestions for fall-proofing your life.

Have those pesky back and joint problems looked at today!


Non-Surgical Treatment for Rotator Cuff Tears

A recent study concluded that patients with full-thickness rotator cuff tears can achieve and benefit from non-surgical management (like what we provide)! Check out this video to learn more about these safe and effective non-surgical options.


Healthy Eating

The typical diet includes food that may initiate or amplify pain and many other conditions, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. The foods we eat have a dramatic impact on how we feel.

Here are a few tips:

  • Decrease consumption of red meat & refined carbohydrates like sugar and white flour.
  • Choose healthy oils like avocado, olive, coconut, or canola.
  • Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits.

Natural Energy Boosters

Life can be tiring, but drinking coffee or caffeinated beverages all day is not the best thing for your body. Try some of these natural energy boosters instead:

  • Go for a brisk walk
  • Increase healthy nutrient intake
  • Try meditating
  • Get more rest

Soreness Between Your Shoulders?

It could be a joint restriction. Restrictions can develop abruptly or slowly over time, but regardless of the origin, restricted joints give rise to a self-perpetuating cycle of discomfort and degeneration. Fortunately, there’s help. Check out this video to learn how you can put an end to mid-back pain.

Baseball Players with Back Pain

Nearly half of high school baseball players have back pain. A recent study found that hamstring muscle tightness was a significant risk factor. Regardless if you’re a competitive pitcher or corporate desk jockey, tight hamstrings can cause back pain. Here’s one simple stretch that we frequently recommend in our office!


Muscle & Joint Pain

Another study confirmed that patients tend to recover more quickly from muscle and joint pain when they recognize that physical activity can help resolve their problems. Do you feel like pain controls you?

Consider these tips:

✔ Understand the realities of pain with our top 10 Back Pain Myths and Facts
✔ Call our office today- we offer effective solutions that can help you regain the active life you love.


Perceptions of Pain

Low back pain is the single most disabling muscle and joint problem worldwide. But did you know that your perceptions of the problem can make it worse or better? Check out this infographic for our key insights for taming low back pain.


A 20-year follow-up study of auto accident patients found that “whiplash injuries significantly impacted [caused] the residual symptoms of shoulder stiffness, headache, and arm pain.”

Fortunately, proper care can minimize many of these problems. Give our office a call if you or someone you know is ever involved in an automobile accident. Check out this info graphic to learn more.



A recent study confirmed that having poor neck and head posture can cause headaches. The problem is often described as text-neck since smartphone use promotes this kind of poor posture. Check out this text-neck illustration to learn more about this condition and what you can do to prevent it.
